Saskatchewan is vast – 651,900 km2 (251,718 mi2) – almost the size of Texas and has 44% of Canada’s total cultivated farmland. A thriving Saskatchewan crops industry  contributes to and benefits from the increasing local and global demand for food, feed, fuel and fibre.

Quality Saskatchewan crops are used to create leading-edge health products that are exported globally.

Saskatchewan has become the world’s largest exporter of green lentils and the world’s second largest producer. It is grown to improve economic returns to producers, diversify and lengthen crop rotations, and reduce the requirement for nitrogen fertilizer. Saskatchewan produces both green and red lentil varieties. Saskatchewan producers are the world’s largest mustard exporters. Mustard varieties grown in Saskatchewan include Yellow, Brown and Oriental.

Saskatchewan continues to be a leader in cereal crop production across the country. Saskatchewan produces both spring and winter wheat and supplies 10 per cent of the world’s total exported wheat, and is Canada’s most important grain-producing region. Saskatchewan oilseed production has grown successfully over the last 30 years. The second largest crop grown in the province is now canola – a crop that did not exist 30 years ago.  Saskatchewan accounts for about 70 per cent of Canada’s flaxseed, representing 25 per cent of world production.


The capital city of Saskatchewan is Regina – Latin for queen, and named after Queen Victoria. Regina has a population199, 200 (metro) and is largely a governmental center, as well as a ‘service’ sector for business and industry.

Saskatoon is the largest city in Saskatchewan with a population of 231,403. It is home to the University of Saskatchewan and a distribution centre for agricultural and industrial production.

Time Zone

Central Standard Time – Saskatchewan is the only province that does not switch to Daylight Savings time in the summer and is seven hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).


Saskatchewan has a moderate climate with four distinct seasons. Temperatures range from +25 degrees Celsius (on average) in summer, to -25 degrees Celsius (on average) in winter. The whole province enjoys a hot, dry summer. The town of Estevan is the undisputed “sunshine capital” of Canada, getting 2540 hours of sunshine per year.

Types of Farms Available

The Saskatchewan Host Family Association offers agri-mix, beef, grain, hog, and home management placements. The crop farms, in general, are 1000 ha (2500 acres) or more. Many farms also have some livestock or horses.

Visit Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan is located in western Canada between the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Manitoba, and directly north of the U.S. states of North Dakota and Montana. Along with a rich mix of history and culture, Saskatchewan offers visitors endless freshwater fishing, water-based recreation opportunities, abundant wildlife, uncrowded parks, outdoor adventures like canoeing and horseback riding, farm vacations and amazing and accessible golf. Explore Saskatchewan, The Land of Living Skies! Saskatchewan averages over 300 days of sunshine throughout the province.